HP TC1100 and Windows 10. Not yet a good combi

The HP TC1100, can this device run Windows 10? It sounds so simple. Just use the upgrade function of Windows, or update from a CD / USB stick. But …….

This device finds Windows 8 no problem. The requirements of Windows 8 and Windows 10 are not very different and the model used meets all minimum requirements. But still, upgrading or installing does not work.

During installation / upgrading, the biggest problem is that the device will freeze on booting  the OS. The recognition of the usb stick or the spontaneous freeze also belongs to the experiences.

Unfortunately, it has not been possible yet to get Windows 10 running. Also on Youtube there is no video on which the HP TC1100 can be admired with Windows 10. When someone has a tip, this is very welcome.


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14 responses so far.

  1. Krzysztof says:

    Thank’s so much for answer. One question more, are you getting updates from microsoft for this version ?
    I’have found only one place on internet where can see win8.1 installed onto Tc, but no idea how, and can’t make contact with autor. Look.

    • incotech says:

      Yes, i’m getting the updates from Microsoft.

      There are multiple models with different CPS’s Source.
      I’ve searched a bit and found that Celeron processor supports PAE: CPU Information.
      and the Intel Pentium M versions dont’t have that support.

      I’ve got the “Intel Pentium M Ultra Low Voltage 1.0-GHz processor” version, so got no support for it.

  2. Krzysztof says:

    Hi admin. I’m so sorry for my english, very imperfect. I’m looking to solve the same problem. I’m beloved TC1100 user, windows7 support will be gone soon so I need change to win8.
    Could You give me two answers please ?
    1. Maybe they’re really Tc’s with PAE and NX support. I’ve checked mine with coreinfo.exe with false werdict. Could you check your machine ?
    2. Now i see on microsoft page that both win8 and win8.1 have this requirements. So if they were early versions without, maybe I can find one distro somewhere.
    (Really You didn’t have any complications after system updating ?)
    Could you tell me exactly wchich version you did install, date of dvd manufacturing ?
    Kindest regards

    • incotech says:

      Hello K.

      My machine dos not have PAE and NX support. I’ve installed one of the beta versions, and there was not a requirement for PAE and NX yet.
      But the exact version …. i’m not sure. I’m thinking the “Windows8-ReleasePreview-32bit-English” or the “Windows8-ConsumerPreview-32bit-English” version.

      The biggest problem is tha my TC got only 1GB memory. It is just enough for Windows 10, but you can not run all the programms.

      It depends on your device / usage if it is worth trying to upgrade to Windows 8.
      Maybe a light linux version is better.

  3. Wojciech says:

    Its about PAE, look:

    “The Banias family processors internally support Physical Address Extension (PAE) but do not show the PAE support flag in their CPUID information; this causes some operating systems (primarily Linux distributions) to refuse to boot on such processors since PAE support is required in their kernels.”


    Now i know only that have 1,1ghz processor.. You didn’t have this issue during win8 installation? Is that possible tat they were compatible and uncopatible processors in tc1100 ?

  4. Wojciech says:

    Tried to install 32bit version. Trying make research now but my head smokes.
    Its about PAE, look:

    “The Banias family processors internally support Physical Address Extension (PAE) but do not show the PAE support flag in their CPUID information; this causes some operating systems (primarily Linux distributions) to refuse to boot on such processors since PAE support is required in their kernels.”


    Now i know only that have 1,1ghz processor.. You didn’t have this issue during win8 installation? Is that possible tat they were compatible and uncopatible processors in tc1100 ?

  5. Wojciech says:

    Hi, have question about your words: “This device finds Windows 8 no problem”. I tried to install and meet acces denied because of processor restriction compatibility. How thats posiible ?

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