Tips for audio/video problems with online meetings

In these times, there is much more online meetings. One of the biggest annoyances are technical problems. Here are some tips for various problems (do you also have a problem or an answer for a common problem? Leave them in the comments).


  • If you're going to join an online meeting, make sure you're not in another online meeting, have a browser or program open that uses your microphone and/or webcam. As a result, your webcam and/or microphone is already in use.
  • Don't download files, updates or anything like that. This can ensure that your Internet, 4G or WiFi connection does not have enough capacity left over.
  • Do you use a meeting tool from the browser? Give it access to your microphone and speakers.


  • Is the sound on? You can do this for example. test by playing a movie.
  • Is there an external display connected or bluethoot headphones? Then disconnect these (some programs will try to play the sound through this instead of. your standard speakers).
  • Are you using a loose microphone? Is it even connected?


  • Isn't the webcam taped?
  • If the program does have access to the webcam (start -> settings -> check for camera privacy settings -> if the application has access.
  • Do you use a separate webcam? Is it even connected?

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